I know what you're thinking: you think pure Art has no match,
And think that there's no restaurant my string of words could catch;
No place where I with dignity could tell a lively tale,
No place where I could contrast heaven with the life of hell.
For can there be a place where Art has worked its way sublime,
To have the Mind and Spirit think they're from another Time,
Where Trend has gone beyond itself to set a standard rare,
Where Food and Service complement the clothes that Trend doth wear?
Is food and food's experience not that which we do eat?
– Experiences differ quite with different friends we meet.
A modern European 'carte' with worldly influence,
Is far too great an enterprise to serve through day's events!
Is there a place where great Design has borrowed from its muse:
Where Space is held symmetrically, and Detail, finished smooth;
Where Enterprise and Industry have given birth to Taste?
Yes, this is what you're thinking, "Hold thy tongue, there's no such place"!
Well, you may think, and rightly so, that such place can't exist,
And thinking thoughts with Hope in mind is called 'an idle wish'.
I can't agree! My thinking has my pen write clear and strong,
To write in words that Hope's prevailed to prove your thinking wrong!
Design's no fad
When Art has clad
Design seen at Konrad!

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