Hail there, yonder gentle Rose! Pray tell, where do you go?
– I've watched you by my window pass, with petals that do glow.
"I go to Copenhagen, near a place where swallows sing,
Where swans do play on water-road and storks by water-spring."
O, Rose so tender, soft and pure, what business have you there,
You walk so tall in velvet gown with scent that takes the air?
"I use my scent to charm the hearts of lovers old or young:
My gown seals Love forever true under a smiling sun."
Dear Rose, these charms that you possess, think you, to me, could lend,
My eye ‘tis on a virgin lass, who was my dearest friend.
"This 'virgin lass' is thus no more, her frozen heart's not true.
She does not walk in sunny shades like all true lovers do."
Alas, she left by pale moon-light, and now in dreams I weep.
Rose, charm my sweetheart back to me, for poorly I do sleep.
"This lass you pine now dreams with Time on pillow soft as stone.
Another courts her for her heart, she does not sleep alone.
"O, Rose of joy, my love is strong, please treat me not unkind.
Go call to her! Go! Charm her heart. Pray, wake her, change her mind!
"O, doleful man, please let me be! Though all I do I've said,
'Tis Death that courts her in a grave. I can't charm back the dead!"
When roses line to blossom
The streets of Copenhagen,
Greet love in life, at Café Norden!
Cafe Norden Aps
Østergade 61, st.
1100 Copenhagen K
From Copenhagen 32 Poems: Cafes, bars and restaurants
By John Lambert Harman
Buy book: http://www.copenhagen32poems.com/buy-book

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